Author: dunndirectstudio

International Sensitivity Index (ISI) Quick values ​​measured with different thromboplastins cannot be directly compared with each other as, for example, sensitivity to clotting factors may differ. To make clotting times as comparable as possible, the WHO approved a reference standard thromboplastin in 1983. All thromboplastin manufacturers must calibrate their reagent against the WHO standard (there are two references: one for recombinant human thromboplastins and one for rabbit brain thromboplastins). The value obtained is known as the “international sensitivity index” (ISI). This allows the different sensitivities of thromboplastins to be known and is used to calculate the INR. WHO recommends that…

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The word “resilience” is currently in vogue in society; people talk about it, more research is being done, even people tattoo it, but do you know what it means? We tell you ten things about this term. The RAE defines it as “the ability of a living being to adapt to a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation.” The term comes from physics since it consists of the ability of some metals to bend and return to their original or initial position when the pressure exerted on them ceases.It is human strength, and the term can be understood…

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Conceptual analysis constitutes a methodological support tool in psychology, even though the group of psychologists generally dismisses it. This has brought with it that the importance of knowing where the terms come from (from ordinary language or if they are correctly technical) is often overlooked, but also of being competent when proposing their correct definition and subsequent measurement. Regarding the latter, recent history in our discipline has given us reliable evidence of how the logical confusion that underlies the theoretical approaches of many authors translates into a conceptual confusion, another methodological one and, finally, one of interpretation. Examples on the…

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Before diving into the functions of metabolism, you must know what this process is. The first thing you should know is that your body is made up of millions of cells. Inside each one, a set of chemical reactions occurs. These reactions are responsible for transforming the food you eat into fuel. This is essential for all vital activities, such as moving, breathing, sleeping … absolutely everything you can imagine! The energy we produce through metabolism is called ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), and whether it is produced at a higher or lower speed depends on the thyroxine hormone, produced and secreted…

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What is happening in your body right now? Your first response might be that you are hungry or that your muscles are sore after a run, or that you are tired. But let’s go deeper beyond your consciousness and see what is happening in your cells.If you could take a look inside any cell in your body, you would see that it is a busy centre, more like a bustling open-air market than a quiet room. Whether you are awake or asleep, running or watching television, energy is being transformed within your cells, changing shape as molecules perform the interconnected…

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Dark Souls III PC The third installment of the Dark Souls saga for PC, Xbox One, and PS4 combine elements of adventure and action games and third person, with role-playing dyes to improve our character. The third chapter of the From Software series of titles will be the first to be fully developed on consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation. In this new installment, we will visit the dark and vast kingdom of Lothric, learn new skills related to the weapons we wield, and fight against tough and rough creatures, which this time will be more dangerous and faster…

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Role-playing video games are commonly called RPG games, from the English role-playing game. These are titles in which the player controls a character or a group of actions throughout different scenarios. Like all the others, the genre has evolved over the last few years, presenting new features and having different subgenres such as tactical or action.The role-playing genre, also known as the RPG genre, has evolved over the last few years and currently encompasses different sub-genres. In this way, making a list of the best games in history is usually a challenging but possible task. In this way, we have…

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Look, it’s like this. Everybody can store belly fat or burn belly fat. It is entirely up to you which of the two positions your body is in. The problem is that many people don’t know how to switch the body from fat storage mode to burn mode. This article will tell you exactly which simple actions you can take to get this done. And this also works great for people who are short on time, who have already lot in the past and for people who have already passed the 40, 50 or 60 years. The Truth About Belly…

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Everyone has fat in their body. That is very normal and healthy. But too much belly fat is unhealthy. Do you want to know why? Then read on!Why is belly fat unhealthy? Even people with a flat stomach have belly fat. That provides some protection around your organs. But excess belly fat does not. Fat cells that accumulate around the organs are more active than fat tissue in other places, such as on your hips. They produce, among other things, hormones and influence, for example, the absorption of insulin. With an unhealthy lifestyle and a lot of excess belly fat,…

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Promotions in Social Networks are the protagonists, currently this acclaimed social network has almost 2,000 million users among which we can differentiate our ideal clients and reach them. We have a very diverse potential audience, which leads us to think that whatever service or product we offer, we will surely find our ideal client in the Mark Zuckerberg network. A good segmentation will be enough to find it. At Mood Marketing, we know the importance of Facebook Ads, which has increased its users exponentially in recent years. Your success? Its effectiveness in the short and medium-term, and its economical price,…

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